doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - DJs after 22:00
Velvet Two Stripes (Garage/ Blues-Rock/ Riot Grrrl Punkrock | CH)
Vielleicht sollten wir Jack White dafür danken, dass er den Geist des Blues Rock während der letzten 15 Jahre ins gegenwärtige Zeitalter gebracht hat und somit die Bedeutung einer der ältesten Rockmusik-Genres übermittelt hat. White hat den Weg für Bands wie The Kills, Yeah Yeah Yeahs und Deap Vally geebnet. Alle von ihnen mit charismatischen Frauen ganz vorne, die den Mix aus Garage, Blues, Fuzz Rock und Riot Grrrl Punk zelebrieren. Ein Gebiet, auf dem kürzlich eine aufregende neue Band ihren rostigen Van abgestellt hat: Velvet Two Stripes.
Endlich eine europäische Band, bereit, mit den Großen der Szene zu konkurrieren, die Jungs in ihrer Garage herauszufordern und dabei zu beweisen, dass junge Frauen sehr wohl ein Gespür für echten Blues haben. Ihr aktuelles Album "No Spell For Moving Water" erscheint am 6. Oktober 2023 und wurde in Vancouver, WA aufgenommen. Für den passenden Klang sind zwei Koryphäen der Rockszene verantwortlich: Vance Powell (Mixing, u.a. The White Stripes, Buddy Guy) und Pete Lyman (Mastering, u.a. Tom Waits, Weezer).
Wie geht's weiter? Immer voran, immer in Bewegung bleiben, verbündet zu dritt. Sophie, Sara und Franca sagen: „Die Musik bleibt das Wichtigste. Wir müssen keinen Trends entsprechen, wir müssen niemandem gefallen, nur uns selbst.“
Für Fans von:
The Kills, Deap Vally, The Dead Weather, The White Stripes, Sunflower Bean, Bass Drum Of Death, The Picturebooks, Yeah Yeah Yeahs

doors 19:00 - show 20:00
20 Jahre KOBITO (Rap aus Berlin) & friends
Das Konzert ist ausverkauft,
nach 22:00: DJ Forster Ctrl (Boogie/HipHop...)
Soli für Polylux + Blindspots
doors 19:00 - show 20:00
powerline agency & little league shows prsnt:
CISTERN / indie-rock/post-punk, can /
+ tba.
at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. concert-tickets at the doors or in pre-sale -->
CISTERN is a rock band from Squamish, BC on the unceded land of the Squamish Nation. The restless souls that make up Cistern, a tight-knit gang of four, are comprised of Noah Varley, Noah Wilson, McKinley Languedoc, and Chris Boys. Cistern play rock music like the best bands formed at the periphery: raw, scrappy, intuitive – a group of friends forging awe and anguish into song. As Ursula Le Guin wrote in her Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, “it’s a strange realism for a strange reality.”
The bands most recent release is New Standard. Languedoc stumbled upon a different tuning, jokingly rebranding it as “new standard tuning“, and somehow, the gag stuck. On “Crisis”, the band tries to make sense of the tangle of personalities. “Metal Detector” unravels as a hymn for those who have chosen to march to their own peculiar beat. “Pendulum” is high-wire, jittery and tense, a song about seeking balance in a world that won’t let you achieve it. The record is a 5 track display of DIY-rock anthem recorded on an 8 track tape machine.
Cistern is a band defined by tight musicianship, harmonious and dissonant instrumentation, do-it-yourself recording and experimentation. With the band already wading knee-deep into the musical chapter that will follow, expect more saturated, tape-warmth dance riffs to come.”
doors 19:00 - show 20:00
little league shows & trusty chords agency prsnt:
EADES / indie-rock, uk /
& DISTANT BODY / indie/shoegaze, bln /
at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. pre-sale tickets available -->
Combining the creative values of Wilco, Sonic Youth and Sparklehorse with the immediacy of The Velvet Underground and The Clash. Eades have adapted and evolved over the last couple of years - continually touring around the UK, as well as over the shores into Europe. Finely poised between indie rock and alternative 90’s. Their tight self-produced sound is glued together by the songwriting and vocal swapping partnership of Harry Jordan and Tom O’Reilly. The story-telling approach of their writing has crystallised into a winning calling-card.
This ‘build it and they will come’ approach has already seen enviable successes. Photoshoots with iconic photographer Rankin for HUNGER, shout outs from The Guardian, live sessions at Abbey Road Studios, and stand-out sets at Left Of The Dial and The Great Escape, amongst other tastemaker festivals, mark the band out as serious contenders.
No longer green to the industry - and working on their own terms - Eades are putting theory into practice. Comfortable in their own skin, and taking the wins as they come, there’s no lack of ambition to take their riveting concoctions to the masses. All of this is beholden to a quietly confident maturation that speaks to a band in complete control.
DISTANT BODY is a band from Berlin, Germany.
Strongly rooted in the Berlin music scene, the band features current and ex-members of Henry Fonda, Rope, OKRA and Marea Idria, who combine to create a powerful and melodic mixture of indie rock, post punk, post rock and shoegaze, all while maintaining a strong pop sensibility.
This, their first release, recorded live at Berlin’s Funkhaus with producer Vasili.kai, mixed by Matti Eckert and mastered at Oldenburg’s legendary Tonmeisterei, takes the listener on a journey through soaring choruses, spaced-out soundscapes and intricate guitar playing, while maintaining a heavy focus on hooks, melody and forward-thinking songwriting.
Despite their young age as a band, Distant Body have crafted a sound that is already fully realized and all their own.

Anlässlich ihrer neuen 4-Track-EP geht sie auf Deutschlandtour mit über 10 Terminen – ihre längste Tour seit Beginn ihrer Reise mit französischen Chansons!
Eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle erwartet euch bei den Konzerten von Billie Bird! Ihre Musik verbindet Humor mit tiefen Emotionen und geht mutig in die Themen Trauer und Zweifel. Mit einer kraftvollen Stimme und einem beeindruckendem Gitarrenspiel bringt sie Songs aus ihrer neuen EP auf die Bühne. Freut euch auf ein Konzert voller Höhen und Tiefen, Lachen und Tränen. Billie hat das Talent, selbst die tiefsten Themen mit Humor zu verbinden und dabei eine warme, verbindende Atmosphäre zu schaffen.
doors 19, show 20h, djs after 22h.
psychberg affairs & little league shows are proud to present another night full of great sounds from two different sound spectrums... we feel good about it! Special night for both: CARL FUNGUS are celebrating the release of 4 singles, and TISIPHONE celebrate their first time in our city!
CARL FUNGUS / psych americana indie, bln, singles celebration show! /
& TISIPHONE / post-punk, cold-wave, fr /
at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. pre-sale tickets available -->
+ aftershow dj-tunes w/ psychbergs very own Dark´s Second
Formed in 2021 in the wake of the pandemic, Berlin-based four piece CARL FUNGUS first eased their way onto the city's vibrant music scene with their 2022 EP Schmungus, a laidback and dreamy selection of tracks which paired sharply put-together indie instrumentation with singer Jannis Necker’s vulnerable, plaintive vocals, to great effect. Like its namesake records, Wilco’s Schmilco and Harry Nilsson’s seminal Nilsson Schmilsson, this debut EP showcased confident songwriting that was at turns irreverent, melancholic and hopeful, offering well-observed snapshots of failing relationships, fading memories and transient city life.
Coinciding with mushroom season, Carl Fungus plans to sprout again this Autumn with a quartet of singles preceding a full album release. Recorded and produced at Butterama Studio, this fresh batch of songs represents a significant maturation for the band, both sonically and lyrically, adding rich synth textures, tighter songcraft and a more ambitious approach to writing, building on the band’s already strong storytelling chops with more abstract imagery and extended metaphorical throughlines.
TISIPHONE is a cold wave / post punk expérimental band with Fano, Léonard et Suzanne since 2015. Looking for a pumped-up and mesmerizing sound, they're diving into a mix of styles, pulling inspiration from post-punk, experimental rock, cold wave, electro, and industrial music.
After releasing an EP with Automate Records in 2016, Tisiphone has shared the stage with bands like Algiers, Rank, Venin Carmin, Then Comes Silence, Delacave, Diamond Dog, Jeanne Added, Tombouctou, Frustration, Motorama, Bleib Modern, Sheik Anorak, Dear Deer, Lovataraxx. Following their self-titled debut album in 2016 and "KOMA FORTE," a 6-track EP released on labels Icy Cold Records, Acide Folik, and Automate Records in 2020, Tisiphone released "RIOT PUPPETS'' in 2024.
doors 19, show 20h, djs after 22h.
little league shows prsnts:
SATURNO 4000 / psych grooves, bln /
& DESPAPAYE / experimental chunchaca, bln /
live at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. pre-sale tickets available -->
& after 22h DJs Alex Mayorano & N.E.S.T.A /
Established in 2022, SATURNO 4000 is a musical powerhouse that blends the groovy vibes of 70's Latin & Turkish Psych Rock with the infectious rhythms of Afrobeat.
Having joined forces with London-based label Batov Records in early 2024, this Berlin-based band demonstrated their eclectic melding of diverse musical styles with seamless precision on their debut 45 "Ma Belle Fille/Solar Heart". Now Saturno 4000 continue to explore uncharted musical territories with a growing fanbase eagerly awaiting their first album which is to be released in 2025.
DESPAPAYE is a band formed in Berlin, Germany in 2022 by a group of expatriated dance curious experimentalists. Their unique sound fuses instrumental chunchaca and improvisation with a experimental punk edge.
artwork & graphic design by Dirty Paw Design
Aftershow DJ's: Forward Sisters & Hotta Henne
Longfingah has teamed up with Sub Pressure Band for their EP „Human Invasion“. For some time now, the Berliner has been more active again on social networks and recently announced a new release there and already presented the first tunes. The Sub Pressure Band, consisting of veterans of the Berlin reggae & ska scene, brought in non other than Dubmatix from Canada for the mix and the dub effects. There are also other heavyweight features on the record such as UK´s Parly B, Tenor Youthman from Russia and Silver Ice from Jamaica. The result is a record that combines fat sub-basses, crisp horn sections by Tribuman & Daniel Zabon, wobbling organs and ragga styles by Longfingah into a great fusion of Rub-a-Dub, Roots Reggae, Funk and Dub.
Born on an island on the French Atlantic coast, Yann Loisel grew up listening to Reggae, Blues, Jazz and Hip Hop. These early musical influences shaped his interpretation of Roots Reggae. His groove-based and clean composition are leaving the vibes and energy as the main drivers of his music, underpinning his committed and spiritual influenced lyrics. On Bandcamp you will find his full Allbum 'Upon The Road'

Der Käpt'n kommt mit einem fetten Angebot aus allen nationalen und internationalen Künstlern!
Der Abend hat schon lange Kultcharakter und ist zum Kreischen fröhlich, generations- und sozialübergreifend und warmherzig...!
Eine der schönsten Bühnen Berlins & ein perfekter Monitor- und Raumsound besorgen den Rest!
Singen macht halt glücklich und dabei zuschauen auch!
holt euch die Käpt'n Karaoke App auf's Smartphone!
... wei sie wirklich toll ist!
Oder klickt den Link für seine Songliste…
doors 19:00 - show 20:00
little league shows prsnts:
TIMBEAU / indie synth-pop, »Sensitiv« album release tour, Treibender Teppich Recs /
& ATOMIC LOBSTER / indie alternative rock, stgrt /
at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. pre-sale tickets available -->
TIMBEAU bezeichnet seine Musik schlicht als Pop – und meint damit seinen ganz eigenen Mix aus Synthpop, Neuer Deutscher Welle und Indie-Postpunk mit Discoeinflüssen.
Als Multiinstrumentalist erschafft er intime und authentische Songs, die sich auf humorvolle und zugängliche Weise mit schweren Themen wie mentaler Gesundheit oder kritischer Männlichkeit auseinandersetzen. Seine Texte sind auf deutsch, wobei er es darauf anlegt, das Cringe-Gefühl der deutschen Sprache zu zelebrieren. Timbeau ist ein Grenzgänger, der großen Wert auf das Visuelle legt. Seinen Musikvideos ist das in der Liebe zum Detail deutlich anzumerken.
Nach seinem Debütalbum ‘Wundersam’ mausert sich das Projekt Timbeau vom DIY-Bedroompop zur versierten Studioarbeit mit Bandintervention. Das zweite Album ‘Sensitiv’ erscheint im Januar 2025.
Live sitzt Timbeau aka Tim Bohner an den Drums und singt zusammen mit Florian Schirmer (Keys), Hannes Scherf (Bass) und Marius Schwingel (Gitarre).
ATOMIC LOBSTER ist eine Band aus der lebendigen Stuttgarter Musikszene, bestehend aus Ella Estrella Tischa (Gitarre/Gesang), Daniel Herrmann (Bass/Gesang) und Armando Bleher (Schlagzeug). Inspiriert von Vorbildern wie PJ Harvey und Radiohead haben sie ihren eigenen Sound entwickelt. Ihre Musik, eine geschickte Fusion aus Grunge mit Nuancen von Soul und Trip-Hop, zollt ihrer Nostalgie für die 90er Jahre Tribut und bringt gleichzeitig neue, unverwechselbare Klänge mit ins Spiel.